The contents of this website are my own and do not reflect the position of any organizations with which I am currently affiliated.

Monday, August 29, 2011

I wish I could do that...

When I returned back to site from a successful MSC (mid service conference) I found my house was glowing! I had solar power installed while I was off in Dar sharing best practices with my fellow PCVs.

This is LIFE changing (because I have power) in just the past few days I...

  • Typed & sent applications to the embassy via email giving two secondary students a chance to attend a leadership conference in America.
  • Gave three friends basic computer lessons.
  • Uploaded American music to my friends phone
  • Typed and emailed my application to be a facilitator at the next PST
  • Studied Swahili at night
  • Watched a few episodes of Glee

  • I made an online donation to support my friends primary school renovation project.

Yes, even on my $170/month budget I was able to give. I support this community's effort to finish work on their dilapidated primary school. I hope you can read on below, how the whole village will be positively affected by a donation.

What your money will DO:
1. Complete construction on existing structures to allow needed expansion of school classrooms.

2. Construct school library that would be available to all community members for continue education.

3. Through construction phase of project create skill building training sessions for out of school youth. (i.e. carpenter skills, cement laying skills, brick building and laying skills)

4. Through Primary School Renovation Committee train members (including women) project management and financial book keeping skills.

5. Build/Strengthen Collaboration efforts between community groups both formal and informal.

Thinking about getting me a 30th birthday gift or Christmas present...
Instead please make a donation

click the link below____________

Primary School Renovation Project